So, a big part of my mission to live simply but beautifully centers around our time as a family at our summer cottage. In Cape Breton, we call it the bungalow. Cottage, bungalow, cabin, shack, whatever you want to call it, it is a tiny dwelling deep in the woods where we can be wild and free. Our place was built by my grandfather in the 70's, passed down to my aunt and mother, and then, eventually, to me. It is situated on a small lake between the towns of Gabarus and Louisbourg. The cottage has only one bedroom with bunk beds which we may be outgrowing, so we have started to add other sleeping quarters on the property so that we can have guests. But that isn't the focus of this post! I wanted to share some photos of the gardens. We started tilling and making rows (what the heck are they called again?) this weekend.
I am most excited about the fence. It is a witchy and fabulous wattle fence. It is probably done ALL WRONG, and we'll have to line the inside with chicken wire, but I love it. It is whimsical andwonderful and I can't wait to get planting.

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